DIY: Make at home --> not-a-ShrinkyDink!

  Gordon Wyant
I pity the fool who doesn't play with shrink plastic!
Okay, I mentioned in the last post that I would be showing you how to make moss garden terrariums.  Well, I'm not gonna do that.  You see, today is Wednesday Recess at the library and we are making things from shrink plastic.  We had so much fun that I just HAD to focus on this one instead.  So easy, and so fun.  It really NEVER gets boring!

Many are familiar with the wonders of Shrinky-Dinks.  It is a name brand crafting/activity material that has the fun ability to shrink when heat is applied to it.  So, you do neat designs, cut them out, and toss them in an oven for a couple minutes and you get these cool shrunken plastic creations.  ShrinkyDink has done some tie-ins with other intellectual property and character.  Here is a fantastic image of a Mr. T Shrinky-Dink set . . . he pities the fool who doesn't have fun with shrink plastic!

Anyway, ShrinkyDinks are essentially just shrink plastic.  And the cool thing about shrink plastic is it is EVERYWHERE!  Seriously, it is used to package just about everything in a grocery store deli and bakery.  All you have to look for is a recycle symbol with a 6 in it.  It will look like this:

Just cut a flat piece out of the container, draw a design on it, and put it in an oven at 325-350 degrees for a minute or two.  Then you have a shrinked plastic item that you can use in almost any craft.   Here's a how-to image I made to guide you through it.


Have fun and post your creations in the comments!

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