August 2013: new calendar. Also, time stinks.

Gordon Wyant


Hey all!  So, it has come to my attention that I haven't been updating as I said I would when I started this thing.  Yeah, that's true.  I'm a terrible person and I'm sorry.  Now, the reasons why, which you may laugh at all you might like.

1.  Calendars and the devious progression of time.
So, time stinks.  It is a great tool to make sure collaborations happen when they should, help ensure your cupcakes don't burn or come out all mushy, makes things like music pleasant to the ear rather than a cacophony of random frequencies assaulting your ears, helps to ensure we are where we are supposed to be when we should be (I say it HELPS because it sure doesn't put wings on my back and fly me to appointments), or the absolutely amazing ability to simply plot out the progression of human existence.  All very cool things . . . the cupcake one is the best, though.  Anyway, all these things that time allows and more are great and important.  However, time, like any useful tool, often becomes a shackle that binds us to it.  For example, the representation of time in the form of a calendar lets us keep track of when things happen and plan (to the best we can) for future events; but these future dates often serve as deadlines that loom over us.  This is the case of the Summer Reading Program calendar to the school year calendar transition.

You see, the Summer Reading Program is so hectic, all-consuming, and crazy fun that when it ends we youth service librarians are often left wide-eyed and confused for a few days (or weeks, depending on the librarian and their particular SRP), unable to even feed ourselves.  But, we don't have time to relax and put ourselves back together.  Nope.  Not if we want to have fun stuff planned for the students coming in after school, which starts a mere heartbeat after SRP ends . . . Seriously, does the school year start earlier every year?  I admit it may just be the students, youth service librarians, and teachers who feel this way . . . but I'm going on a tangent here.   Anyway, so school starts REALLY freakin' early!  Which means the space between the end of SRP and the beginning of the school year is such a frenzied race to get SOMETHING on the calendar for August that there is barely enough time for anything like, you know . . . breathing.  Somehow, though, it is ridiculous fun and that is why we do it again and again.  But still, stupid time; why can't there be more of you?

2. Events
Another big reason I haven't been posting here as often as I should are the very things that fill the calendars mentioned above: Events. As humans, we get bored pretty quick.  That means we need variety, as well as fun, in our scheduled events.  So we spend a lot of time coming up with new things to do to keep you guys (and ourselves) from getting bored.  This includes things like the "1st Day Bash" we had last Wednesday.  All kinds of things going on in the YA area happening the afternoon of the first day all students in Bellevue had returned to school.  It was unexpected, fun, and let people get to know that cute boy or girl sitting in front of them in Algebra class.  Or things like our new "Geek'd" program series, which will start next month and will focus on a different aspect of Geek culture each month.  Or our Maker workshops to introduce higher level crafting/making to people or supply some new tools (like our 3d printers) for those already accustomed to such things.  It takes time to figure out the logistics of these programs or if they are even worth doing in the first place.  You guys help a great deal in planning these things, but it takes more of that four-letter-word spelled T-I-M-E to get your feedback.

Anyway, those are some reasons I haven't been good about posting on here.  I'll be redoubling my efforts to get more on here, including resuming the "Make at Home" posts with a moss garden terrarium this week!  The good news is we did get a calendar together and there ARE events that greet the new school year (pics of our bookmarky schedule thing at the bottom of this post), and we've already had some that I already mentioned.  You regular favorites will be back, like Movie Day and Gamefest, and new things too!  We have revamped the Teen Advisory Board to have a core group that will earn volunteer hours, while still be open invitation for people to sound off regarding plans for the library.  We've got some great stuff planned with some amazing guests and partners.  In short, I'm looking forward to the fun and the stress of this new year and I hope you guys will be too!

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