Teen Iron Chef

Gordon Wyant

Thursday night we held our Teen Iron Chef competition for 2013.  The turnout was great, with a full roster of teams and a hefty group of supporters and spectators.  The secret ingredient that must be used was Nilla Wafers.  Our chef teams used this ingredient in some incredibly diverse and creative ways, making some amazing no-bake desserts.  Our judges had an extremely hard time deciding on a winning dish, but I'm certain they had a wonderful experience while coming to  a decision.  I mean, they got to eat all of that great food!

Here's some pics from the event (I apologize for the poor picture quality):

A big thanks to Bakers Supermarket and First National Bank for sponsoring this event!  Another big thanks to our judges: Clair, Michelle, and Brittany!  And a final and HUGE thanks to our teen chefs and supporters!

Want to do something like this during the regular school year or have some suggestions for ingredients or themes for the next Teen Iron Chef?  Make sure to let us know in comments!

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